OLTV: L’Hebdo Féminin


On September 2, 2013, OLTV started a weekly women’s football segment called L’Hebdo Féminin. In the first episode they interviewed Olympique Lyonnais manager Patrice Lair and showed highlights of the first league match. Megan Rapinoe’s return later in the month was covered, as well as Lotta Schelin who was recently signed to a multi-year contract and is short listed for European player of the year. They even had a portion where he commented about about Sweden and England’s leagues took a look at CL standings. The interview portion took about fifteen minutes. I was very impressed with it and even more impressed when they acknowledged other leagues and standings.

After the interview they aired an entire match from last season. Hopefully they showed a prime match up just to launch the segment and next week will be a more recent match. Having timely access to this season’s games is why I was so interested in subscribing in the first place. Regardless, every Monday on tv and online they will have this segment and show a match which is pretty cool. These programs are archived online for later viewing.

It cost me just a little more than $6/mo to get access to this and the rest of the content. The video was crystal clear at regular size, but got pixelated when I went wide screen with it. It is all in French of course, but if you are used to football language quite a bit of it can be made out and access to the matches is the biggest draw anyway.