Poster Time :)

So I didn’t win the poster contest but I know some people who wanted it for their own use to print and get signed or whatever. This is for fan use only. Don’t try to buy or sell this please. I would if I could myself. Sadly, I must remain poor.

right-click save-as

It will fit on 11×17 card stock. Kinko it, trim it out (I suggest a metal ruler and x-acto knife), and go.

I’m a winner!

While I had total fail at winning any jersey or cleats from Hope at the game due to unforeseen circumstances (aka: they only sign by the tunnel)  I did end up winning the Chicago Red Stars contest by repping at the game. Not sure what I won yet, but I’m a winner and that’s what matters. Yes, I’m emotionally five years old about these things.

I’d be smiling more in the picture if I wasn’t frozen and starved. I sustained a shiver all game and had trouble finding gluten free food so I survived on a bottle of $5 soda which I don’t normally drink. Gluten problems and sugar rush. #sigh #imawinner

The Stadium Blanket Arrived! / USWNT vs Germany Chicago Game

Update — (warning: venting) Unfortunately I didn’t realize they only sign next to the tunnel so really the contest was for those only in that area. That was lame. Losing an art contest to a technicality? Grr… I don’t think I ever lost an art contest I entered. I stink at losing. I’ll be unbearable for a week and then likely eat my feelings which will be a trick since I’m a celiac.

But seriously, it would have been nice to know that the front row bleacher seats I bought were in a no signature zone. Didn’t realize they all stayed around the tunnel area and only people over there would gets sigs or win anything or ever had a chance to in the first place. Continue reading